TOP 21 Interview Questions and Answers for 2020
Get Richard s answers to 21 TOUGH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: In this interview training video, Richard McMunn gives you his top 21 interview questions, tips and answers for 2020 RICHARD MCMUNN S TOP 21 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why do you want to work for us 3. What are your strengths 4. Whats your biggest weakness 5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time 6. Why do you want to leave your current job 7. When have you delivered excellent customer service 8. What would you do if you didnt get on with someone in your team 9. How do you handle pressure 10. Why should we hire you 11. When have you worked as part of a team 12. What didn t you like about your last job 13. What three things would your last boss say about you 14. What are your salary expectations 15. Can you give me an example of a difficult situation you faced in a prev br, br,