HOMEMADE 5, 4 Ram Pump elevation ratio 1:15, 4320l per day
To get the parts shopping list (PDFs for both the pump and valve) please buy me a coffee here: I have just made my own ram pump and I would like to share my thoughts about it. Also I would like to compare it with another ram pump that is industrially made. More RAMPUMP, HYDRAM videos: Simple DIY BUILD that works new valve, troubleshooting RAMPUMP, HYDRAM setting up after winter break intake, delivery pipe: Pressure tank from fire extingusher + Best homemade waste valve: RAM PUMP VALVE COMPARISON why the swing check valve is so useless: 1 RAM PUMP almost 5000L per day DO IT YOURSELF, step by step: HOW TO BUILD THE BEST WASTE VALVE for your RAM PUMP: Homemade 5, 4 Ram Pump elevation ratio 1:15, 4320l per day: