Nightcore Smuglyanka Смуглянка Ukrainian
Smuglyanka (Russian: Смуглянка, from смуглый dark, swarthy; also СмуглянкаМолдаванка SmuglyankaMoldovanka the dark Moldovan girl (brunette)) is a Russian song written in 1940 by Yakov Shvedov (lyrics) and Anatoliy Grigorevich Novikov (music). It was commissioned by the Kiev Military District s political office for the District Song and Dance Ensemble, as part of a suite in honour of Grigory Kotovsky, leader of two Moldovan rebellions in Bessarabia Governorate against the Russian Empire in 1905 and 1915. It is written in the style of a Moldovan folk song. Disclaimer : If you are the creator of this song or the owner of the pictures and you don t want me to use them in my video, email me and I ll take it down