To the Moon For River piano cover ( Johnny s Version)
Oh the butterflies. Its been so long since I last set sail. It might be thrilling for some to fare on uncertain routes. Not for me, alas, not for me. As uncertainty is mostly nothing but exasperating. But there might lie a treasure. A treasure that is not like the others. Guiding winds push behind, yet darkness lies ahead. I am either going to get my ship wrecked, or going to be okay. We will see together, dear listener. We will see. But you know what, it is good to be reminded that this life is not just vomit and bile. And it is good to make believe that its not all just clockwork, not just cogs turning. Good things exist. Feelings exist. And I am happy to have been reminded of this. I had forgotten. Keep walking, dear listener. I wish you the best of luck.