So delicious and easy soup that you will want more when you try it
So delicious and easy soup that you will want more when you try it A simple chicken fillet broth is the lightest and most dietary of all possible. No wonder it saves even when you feel unwell. And it is worth adding a little vegetables and pasta and now a fullfledged soup is ready. Recipe: 1 piece chicken breast 1. 5 2 liters of water Bay leaf mixed peppers cook until done remove foam chop 1 onion take the chicken breast out of the broth strain the broth add onion grate carrots cut chicken breast bring the soup to a boil 60 g pasta salt 0. 5 teaspoon curry turmeric to taste cook pasta until it becomes soft 2 garlic cloves parsley and dill Enjoy your meal Your and comment is the best way to thank me for the video recipe. Subscribe to the channel and click on to be notified of new videos. , HotFood, recipe, soup, soup recipe