Kindness Chillstep Mix
So, I had the idea of making a mix for each one of the mane 6, each relating to one of the characters in terms of their characteristics. Each would be roughly 10 songs which should cap at around 3045 minutes a pop which is a good length. And so, here we are. The first mix didicated to Fluttershy. Don t worry, readings are coming, I haven t abandoned fanfiction reading; this is just a side thing that I enjoy doing. Enjoy Song List: 1) Spheria Serena 2) Porter Robinson Sad Machine (Reimagined By Killabyte) 3) Blure Solace (ft. Telepathics) 4) Speo Reminiscent 5) Electus Beyond The Stars 6) Dreamlag Lighthouse 7) MartinHalldin See Color 8) Tom Day Lala Lili 9) Withher Chantrak Through the Cracks (ft. Annika Wells) 10) Faux Tales Atlas