Who Stole the All Father , How Odin Became Jesus, DOCUMENTARY, Thomas Sheridan
THE ULTIMATE VELOCITY OF NOW (VoN) PLAYLIST BUY ME A COFFEE IF YOU LIKE My Ad Income Is Greatly Reduced These Days Thomas Sheridan is an Author, Artist, Film Maker and Satirist who has spent a life from Wall Street to the Jungles of South Asia attempting to discover the emergingoften elusivemythology of modern humans within the present technologysaturated era. Heavily inspire by the work of Carl Jung, Bruno Bettelheim and Joseph Campbell, Thomas Sheridan has developed Monomythic tool kitswhich drawn upon all the mythologies of the world. So as to demonstrate that on a personal and collective level; these legends and stories contain within them a subconscious lexicon of wisdom and symbols that can help all of us overcome the personal and greater challenges we encounter in everyday life. By not giving birth and nurturing these timeless archetypes within