Sometimes you just need to keep it simple
Thanks to Legend of Keepers for sponsoring today s video, can find the Kickstarter here: The Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon campaign book is a 350+ page tome containing 4 unique dungeons, STL models of 24 playable heroes, 50+ playable monsters, 12 notorious monster bosses and rules for three ways to play 5E (traditional, evil and PvP). This campaign is also offering over 200 STLs from Stonecraft Dungeon, Lazy Squire Games new line of 3Dprintable terrain. I got an STL for Jax The Hoplite and he 100 fit the bill for something I ve wanted to do for AGES. I m happy Grab your Warhammer 40, 000, Age of Sigmar and tabletop gear right here: UK Europe US Stuff what I use: Elegoo Mars 2 Pro: Elegoo Mercu