Cognitive From the Depths ( Official Music Video)
Artist: Cognitive Track: From the Depths Album: Malevolent Thoughts of a Hastened Extinction Year: August 16th 2021 Label: Unique Leader Records Genre: Technical Death Metal Save buy album FROM THE DEPTHS Praise be the unseen Ponder not the ocean So deep What lies just below the surface Will steal your sanity Tainted Foul unclean Their lidless eyes Bulbous unblinking What lies just below the surface Will leave you insane Gaze upon the shoreline The stench is sickening Odorous of sea and rot This place reeks of aquatic disease When I arrived on this broken harbor I hadn t foreseen the awaiting horrors Their skin A sickening slippery green Almost amphibian Some bipedal Others shamble four legged All armed with teeth Fit to rip and tear flesh asunder Desperately I try to hide I cannot bear the sight Any longer Terrorize my feeble mind