Sonic, but hes part BADNIK Hilarious Sonic Rom Hack
Sonic, but he s part BADNIK Hilarious Sonic Rom Hack Dr. Yùndòng s development started in 2015 when a joke image created by BinBowie showing Sonic with a Caterkiller s face was sent in a private Skype group which was to become Owarisoft shortly after. Several people in the group absoultely loved this image, so much that the character was planned to be put in a Sonic ROM hack and was named Lover The Catterhog. Plans were made in a Google Docs document for the game, originally titled Yùndòng Zìxíngchē (运动自行车) as it was planned to be both the Parodius of Sonic hacks and a tribute to Chinese bootleg games, given the nonsense title. The hack started out simple at first before the team started throwing more and more ideas in as development followed. Get the hack here: Credits: Project Leader Bin br, br,