Canadian Signals Unit (1945)
Unused, unissued material date and locations unclear or unknown. Could be somewhere in Britain or France High angle shot panning across a large group of men of the Canadian Royal Signals Unit. A man at the front of the group speaks into a microphone natural sound as he explains this is an informal visit to a Canadian Air Support Signals Unit. He says the men we are about to meet welcome the opportunity of saying hello to loved ones back in Canada. Canadian despatch rider on motorbike pulls up beside a truck. He introduces himself as Despatch Rider Mottison (sp Motheson ) from Ontario. He says he used to work on the CanadianPacific railway. He sends his love to his mother, waves and rides off again. A signal operator called Wally pretends to speak to his mother on his signal set on the back of a truck. He asks her to press his civvy clothes as he ll be needing them soon. Another soldier inside the truck called Corporal Dave Slade asks his father how he likes him as a wireless operat