Magenta, Purple Ivory Mystery Snails for Sale
Powered by Restream Happy Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 Mystery Snails are for sale at website: My 20 Gallon tank with all my female bettas. All but 3 were born in August 2020, and raised right here in beautiful Lake Buena Vista, Florida. They are from 4 pairs of koi parents. One pair were both koi, the other 3 were either both galaxy koi, or a combo of galaxy and koi. I m very proud of these gals , nemotigerbetta, candyhalfmoon, candybetta, betttafry, hatchingbettafry, bettafishbreeding, siamesefightingfish, beautifulbettafish, bettafishtank, fightingfish, bettaaquarium, bettabreedingtank, bettabreedingcontainer, galaxykoibetta, koibetta, butterflybetta, rosetailbetta, courtingbettas, bettafry, hatchingfry, sororitybettatank, femalebettasorority, halfmoonplakat, mystersnail, incasnail, goldincasnail, neritesnail, zebraneritesnail SOCIALS Facebook: Instagram: