James Blunt Youre Beautiful ( Acoustic Cover) by Phil Colwill
Hi This is me Phil colwill with my acoustic cover of You re Beautiful written by James Blunt. Incase any of you are wondering how this and the last few videos were recorded, I have a guitar pedal that my guitar and mic are plugged into which plugs straight into my laptop via usb, I am using the webcam on my laptop which is adding the audio from the pedal as I go along the headphones allow me to hear the mix of guitar and vocals as I go along as I am not using an amp. This is one take as the others were I am just practicing, everything you hear is happening live and its just me. Im not too fussy so if there are some mistakes I have left them in :) Hope you enjoy this song as much as me, please go and check out the original song, its good :) Thanks for watching, please leave a comment and feel free to check out my other videos L8rz P br, br,