SOCIALISM: An In Depth Explanation
An indepth explanation of socialism. If you want to support the channel, here are the best ways to do it: 1) Watch the full video 2) Subscribe if you haven t 3) Share with a friend 4) Support me with a small donation on Patreon: 0:00 Intro 01:23 An Overview 03:48 Early Socialism 13:20 Karl Marx Communism 29:12 Revisionism 35:15 Vladimir Lenin 43:25 Democratic Socialism 47:39 Conclusion Sources: Socialism Michael Harrington Socialist Thought Albert Fried Ronald Sanders Socialism 1. 0: SaintSimon, Fourier Owen Edited by Kirk Watson The Social Contract Discourse On Inequality JeanJacques Rousseau A New World Begins Jeremy Popkin A History Of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell Proposed Roads To Freedom Bertrand Russell Heaven On Earth Joshua Muravchik Timaeus Plato Phaedo Plato The Metaphysics Aristotle The Open Society And Its Ene