Red Carpet Chloe Moretz from the movie KICK ASS
Interview with Chloe Moretz at the GForce Movie Premiere For her very first day of filming on KickAss, actress Chloe Grace Moretz, then 11, found herself at a putrid London sewage treatment plant, pelted by rain and repeatedly jerked off her feet with a wire pulled by stuntmen. It s a pivotal scene in director Matthew Vaughn s dark comedy about superhero wannabes. Moretz s pintsized vigilante is shot by her father (Nicholas Cage) as a lesson on the use of a bulletproof vest. Like her character, Moretz gamely picked herself off the ground after each shot. You put on a jerkvest attached to a long rope that goes about 20 yards back, says Moretz, now 13. They grab it and they yank you back as hard as they can. And your whole body is being jolted, so it s like whiplash. It was Now the real fun begins: KickAss, based on the very graphic comic book series by writer Mark Millar and ar