Sin Mali Musavirlik, Accounting
How to open a company in Turkey Mr. Mesut ŞİN explains the process and proper way to open a business in Turkey. Mali Müşavir Mesut ŞİN is a Public Accountant Firm , Tel: +902125180742, Mobile WhatsApp: +905378420806 Source: Who are we is a B2B ecommerce platform. It is devoted to promote Turkish manufacturing sources to foreign importers overseas, and to help them export and sell their highquality products. Our Mission To make it easier for Turkish suppliers to showcase their products on the internet, thus creating export demand from customers worldwide. Through our online database, we assist importers to find the right suppliers from Turkey and to directly communicate with them quickly and efficiently. . Turkish exporters and trading companies: Register at: (Grand Opening Soon) , YeniExpo, Sourcing, PrivateLabel, MadeinTurkey, importer, exporter, turkeyexpor