Teal Swan: The Suicide Catalyst Disturbing Compilation Fake Fraud Scam
Learn More: , Dozens of clips, compiled into one video, covering spiritual teacher Teal Swan s preoccupation with death and suicide. Spiritual teacher Teal Swan has mentioned how death would be relief to her, has a history of selfharm, and suicide attempts. She has suggested to her followers that suicide is an option, while stating, Im not going to advocate for suicide. In response to this statement and more, read the Rebuttal to Teals Suicide Segment in Teal Swan Answers Allegations video She has used inappropriate and suggestive language to convince guests that they are unhappy living, she has glorified death and suicide, projected thoughts, feelings, and beliefs onto guests such as You are not committed to life, and once joked about her first clients suicide that prompted the audience to laugh. As evidenced in Teals Facebook group, Teal Tribe, many of her followers are suicidal with no q