Abba Rock n Roll Band
Abba were far from being the typical Rock and Roll Band of the early 1970 s. The visual part of their act was always well prepared. They had their own costume designers in Owe Sandstrom and Lars Wigenius of the firm Artist Dressing. Initially the group presented a complete glamrock image, with extravagant and sometimes outrageous costumes that haunted them for many years afterwards. There were tight fitting trousers and platform boots for the boys, and very skimpy dresses for the girls, as can be seen in this picture. Bjorn recalls: There was this glitter period in Europe, mid 1970 s groups like Sweet, Mud, Gary Glitter. We thought that was kind of fun. I mean, we wanted to try everything in the beginning. The more crazy it was, the better it was. Highly unsophisticated, I would say today. I am ashamed when I look back at some of the costumes, but then again we had Agnetha recalls: We think the costumes are really important. If we don t feel that we re looking our best, we don t perform as