Moscow Attackers Trained In Pak SOS From Afghan Taliban Mouthpiece, ISIS Recruitment Hubs Alarm
Afghan Taliban mouthpiece AlMirsad English has claimed that ISIS regional branch Islamic State Khorasan Province has established its base in Balochistan province of Pakistan where militant training is imparted to recruits and local as well as international attacks are planned. This two days after ISIS militants killed more than 130 people in Moscow Mall raid. Watch the video for more details. INTERNATIONAL NEWS , moscowmall, russia, isis, putin, terrorism, jihadism, masshooting, russia, gunmen, moscowpolice, russiashooting, latestnews, crocuscityhall, terrorism, jihadism, tajikistan, russianfsb, russia, ukraine, kgb , pakistan, afghantaliban, tajikistan, terrorism Hindustan Times Videos brings all the News for the Global Indian under one umbrella. We break down news from across the globe from the unique lens of a Rising India. Tune in for Explainers, Opinions, Analysis and a 360 degree view of big events in India and the World which impact your present and future. Follow th