The Story of Bret Hart vs Diesel Survivor Series 1995
If you would like to support the channel and my work, please visit Patreon: Official Website: Twitter: Bret Hitman Hart vs Diesel was a WWF match that happened multiple times on Pay Per View, but their Survivor Series 1995 match is considered by most to be their best ever encounter. Diesel had spent 1995 as the leader of the WWF s New Generation by holding onto the WWF championship throughout most of the year. Big Daddy Cool had wrestled the likes of Shawn Michaels, Sycho Sid, Mabel and even Bret Hart during his run as WWF Champion, yet many would consider the run a flop. Kevin Nash would end up facing Bret Hart again at the 1995 Survivor Series in a No Holds Barred, No Disqualification match where there were no time limits, no countouts, and no rules. . an odd booking decision seeing as both men were good guys and typically, no disqualification matches would be reserved for big rivalries. Still