LIVE YOUR LIFE, Spoken Word Poetry
You only get one shot at life. Yet we spent so much of it picking ourselves apart, focusing all our energy onto our flaws, that we give up before we even start Ive heard the excuse well itll never happen or I wasnt destined for that life. But how can you be so sure when youve never even tried We live in an age where theres so much opportunity yet few take advantage of it, give it a shot go out of your comfort zone you might be surprised. I spent so much of my life doubting myself, telling myself that I wasnt good or talented enough, People would tell me to just go for it yet Id still come up with every excuse under the sun Why do we do that Why do we put ourselves down so much So this year I made it my mission to end that, put aside all my fears and just go for it. I was done with restricting myself I decided Im not going to settle with being comfortable anymore. And honestly, It was the best thing I ever did Its only when I stopped and asked myself what is it that I want that I starte