Letter from 20 French generals
France is in danger they say They harshly criticize the Macron government They say the French Army is ready to intervene A million Britons demonstrate in the United Kingdom Two Spanish journalists and an Irishman killed in Burkina Faso Council of Europe says inoculation certificate is discriminatory LETTER OF TWENTY FRENCH GENERALS AGAINST THEIR GOVERNMENT: The hour is grave, France is in danger, several mortal dangers threaten her. We, who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country. Our tricolor flags are not just a piece of cloth, but symbolize the tradition, through the ages, of those who, whatever their skin color or creed, have served France and given their lives for her. On these flags we find in golden letters the words Honor and Fatherland. Oh, our honor today is to denounce the disintegration affecting our country. A decadenc