MOTHER NATURE, by jajavankova
Another amazing collaboration of Jaja Vankova and Amanda Marie (the make up artist of The Puppet The Puppet Master). How extraordinary can the Mother Nature be She created us, she gave us life, she s our lungs. Let s treat her better. Behind the scene story: the make up took 7 hours with no break. We even ran out of time, and did not have time to finish it properly. The proper make up would take probably about 12 hours. I first saw Amanda do this concept on a friend and I was amazed. I immediately wanted to give it life with dance. I m so happy we got to work together on this. Also it is my birthday today, so this is a gift from me to you. CONCEPT DANCE Jaja Vankova jajavankova Amanda Marie ohamarie SFX MAKE UP Amanda Marie ohamarie FILM EDIT Jon Gifted jongifted DRONE FOOTAGE Brian Smith qewly BTS Drew Graham dizzy718 SONG James BDash Derr