How to Tube Feed a Kitten
Please note I am not a veterinarian or licensed vet tech. Have a professional show you first hand how to tube feed if possible. I know when I first needed to tube feed a 3 day old kitten I had no one to show me how and only looked online for resources, I wish I had found a video like this Always have supplies on hand if you are in rescue, incase you ever have to tube feed. It really does save lives Especially for those orphaned kittens that are having a hard time getting used to a bottle. Added: At the end, before pulling the tube out, kink the tube so no milk can escape while coming out of the esophagus and into the lungs. Here is a link to the stomach capacity chart I use: Here is a link to where I buy my tube supplies: Follow us on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Subscribe for more kitten videos: To learn more about our NonProfit that makes this work possible, visit See our cat product recommendations list: