Inside Russias Elections In Donetsk As USA Claims Sham Elections In Ukraine
Today marks the first day of open polling stations in Donetsk. I take you inside these elections so you can see what the western mainstream media will not show you. Ukraine is criticizing these as Russian fake elections and the USA is calling them sham elections in Ukraine s occupied areas. In the special report I talk to the voter, poll workers, candidates and more to give you a real incite into what the truth is and what you are being lied to about. All the voters told me how happy they were to take part in the Russian elections and have Donetsk part of Russia. I told them the Europe, the USA and Ukraine all say Donetsk is part of Ukraine. The voters told me let them think that but Donetsk is RUSSIA. These are the words of the resident of Donetsk not my opinions. Educate yourself and don t be a slave to the main stream media Please support our work by donating just 5 on My name is Patrick Lancaster and