A Special version of HALLELUJAH ( Leonard Cohen) The Kari Sma Singers Official Music Video
The lockdowns forced many of us to learn new skills, didn t it I had to learn how to produce virtual choir videos, which is something I have NEVER even considered attempting before. However, going down that pathway taught me something important: I loved the creative process of producing digital content. Who knew All that to say that I really wanted to do a proper music video with one of my choirs. Plus I ve been wanting to record some version of this incredible song for the longest Therefore I decided to use my KariSma Singers community choir and a special arrangement of this song, to fulfil both these dreams. Producing this was quite a journey. First, making the arrangement, creating rehearsal tracks, teaching the choir their parts, rehearsing it to make it all sound as good as it possibly can. Next we had to find a suitable recording space for audio recording, and then tackle the very challenging task of recording an a capella no pitch or rhythm references