The Hidden Story Behind The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani
Are you on the path of spiritual awakening With gratitude meditation and guided visualization you can achieve your vision quest. Sign up for Vishen Lakhiani s FREE Masterclass When you think of your own growth mindset, how much of your mind have you expanded What if your mind could become limitless Whatever your selfdevelopment goals are, Mindvalley CEO Vishen Lakhiani, informs us that spiritual growth and transformational leadership are important for learning how to be productive in a positive way. In this video, The Hidden Story Behind The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani talks about how his book can guide on your spiritual awakening. The secrets to living at the peak of human potential is discussed in Vishens book with the ten unconventional laws that all extraordinary people live by. The ten unconventional laws outlined in Vishen Lakhianis book is combined in his Bend Reality maste