This 2023 Event Just Exposed the Antichrist to the World
Tim Cohen exposes the antichrist symbolism at King Charles 2023 coronation. Watch my 1st interview with Tim Cohen: Watch my 2nd interview with Tim Cohen: Called by God in 1987 to be him who has understanding (Rev 13:18)while a USAF Academy cadetTimothy Cohen is today an internationally known Christian author, speaker, and teacher. He has researched and written what many are now coming to view as Christendoms foremost prophetic and theological works (Rev 19:10), to include The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea; Israel, Peace and the Coming World War: The Great Tribulation is Near; and the Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period multivolume series, as well as others. See publisher Prophecy House, Inc. at Tim Cohen s Telegram: Identity of the AntiChrist: t. me, antichristidentityproof Red Horse Prophecy: War with North Korea and Iran: t. me, redhorseprophecy Life on Mars: t. me, lifeonmarsproof Life on the Moon: t. me, lifeonthemoonproof Tim Cohen s You Tube channel: AuthorTimCohen