Pablo Picasso Part 2 Understanding Modern Art
In the second and final part of our look at Picasso we try to hone in on his importance and continued relevance to the world of modern art. In this part we touch on his political leanings, his many public relationships and his ever growing cult of celebrity. And maybe even have a look at a painting or two Part 1 is here Support our work on Buy me a In our first part we discussed the early life and works of Picasso, his rise to cultural dominance and the often repeated yet always relevant cultural impact of Cubism, all in the pursuit of one simple question. Was Picasso the greatest artist of the 20th century So, is he well, maybe. Cubism is pretty good and all. But there was another factor at play, one which from this point in Picasso s life onwards would become ever more dominant. His fame. The acclaim he received for his paintings would see Picasso become a household name and elevate his not