Band Aid Your Monkeypox Sores And Come On Down Say Gay Fetish Festival
San Franciscos Dore Alley fetish and kink festival was back in full swing over the weekend of July 3031 2022 and celebrants turned out in droves despite concerns about the spread of monkeypox among the LGBTQ community. Organizers offered suggestions for precautions attendees might take, such as covering any open sores with BandAids, but many wonder whether a maskson, pantsoff approach will do much to halt the spread of either COVID or monkeypox. Jimmy and Americas comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the growing threat of monkeypox and whether the protective measures suggested by the festival backers will have proven all that useful. Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurts website: