SHINee s complete Discography in less than 8 Minutes Music Album Collection Group Solo
This video is mainly aimed at people who want to start their own collection and don t know where to start, and people who aren t aware of SHINee s enormous music catalogue. Not included in this video are side projects like (ToHeart, SM The Ballad, SuperM, OSTs, and SM Town releases which include SHINee songs. There are far more Taiwanese versions of SHINee albums out there, but for some reason AMIGO and Hello are the only ones with an entire different packaging. I hope you enjoy this short video. It took me an eternity to edit. If anyone is interested I can also add a Videography version. Yes, some of the jewel cases have some scratches, but I bought them secondhand while living in Japan and transporting them back home led to some injuries. However, sometimes I think even looking at jewel cases leads to scratches. :D Last but not least, please don t feel discouraged after seeing this video, this collection took me over a decade to accumulate. It doesn t happen overnight.