Epic Seven POST UPDATE Green Expedition Full Auto ( Blooming Snag Lich) Featuring 3 Different Teams
Team, 1 (Best damage and 2nd most stable team) Confille Defense breaks and Cerise dual attacks but less access to attack down and blinds and fewer AOE for neurotoxin antidote spamming Arbiter Vildred (Basket), Tamarinne (Celestine), Cecilia (Adamant), and Cerise (MsConfille) Team, 2 (More consistent but lower scoring than Team 1) MY CURRENT TEAM Less Defense breaks and dual attacks but more attack downs and blinds and more AOE for neurotoxin antidote spamming Arbiter Vildred (Basket), Tamarinne (Celestine), Cecilia (Adamant), and Dizzy (SiraRen or Etica s Scepter) This team starts at 5:13 Link: Team, 3 (Not consistent but for manual this would be the highest scoring. ) Due to strips turning Kayron into a Single Target unit he struggles keeping the antidote to the neurotoxin on your units). I even used Rise of the Monarch to try to help keep a buff (shield) on Kayron but it wasn t enough to be consistent. Kayron (Dust Devil), Tamarinne (Celestine), Cecilia (Monarch), an