Just Passing Through Russia: Episode 8
Episode 8 takes us deep into Russia s Kamchatka Peninsula with Cyrus Sutton in hopes of scoring a mysterious wave he discovered on a previous expedition a few years back. From bears to poachers, exsoviet helicopters and a seemingly ideal swell in the forecast, Cyrus along with, ReefAdventureSeeker Anna Ehrgott and photographer Dylan Gordon put their lives on the line for a taste of perfection. This is, justpassingthrough at its finest. Just Passing Through Film Series: Reef Ambassadors are forever just passing through, crossing borders, taking in cultures, and exploring foreign shores. And now you can follow our ambassadors more closely, as we roll out a new monthly film series for 2016, showcasing their adventures in the best waves around the globe. This 10Episode series will bring you along with our team to far off, exotic locales to iconic surf destinations. Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Snapchat: