Ambient Guitar In the Realm of Fluffy Yawners ( Blooper, Volante, Iridium, Polymoon, Zephyr FX)
I know this day would have to come. Cats. A lot of. Those lazy cats are Crimean cost dwellers that meet us every time we go the Sun Trace. This year was no exception. As far as my guitar effects chain concerns. The main driving force here is Chase Bliss Audio Blooper. It is constantly overdubbing what I play with two modifiers engaged. Mod A for Filter and Mod B for Stepped Speed (1 octave up). Plus I set dip switches to alter Mod A Filter scope slowly in time. I use Morley volume pedal to make a lot of long and short volume swells during the performance. Zephyr FX LoFi Radio boosts the guitar signal a bit. Strymon Volante adds some synced delays with a good amount of hi frequencies cut away and some audible old tape wobbling. Meris Polymoon is set to add some synced dotted delays + flanger effect to mimic double track recording and wash the sound with sparkling repetitions a little bit. Strymon Iridium is Chime A bright and clean amp simulation. Thanks for watching Plea