Battlefield Portal Interview with Justin Wiebe x BF Nation
Battlefield Portal Interview with Justin Wiebe x BF Nation Follow us: Questions: 0:10 Are the gunplaymechanics on old BF guns the same as the orignal ones or are they remastered 0:17 Is it possible to link a community to server 1:46 Will it be possible to rent a server (RSP) or will the servers be free for everyone (eg: Battlefield V) 3:02 Is it possible to create more than two teams using the logic editor 3:36 BF Portal will improve over time, what is the most important thing for you to add to the builder Is it more content or more features 4:14 Thanks to the builder, the community will be able to create Esport settings and environments. Is this something that you (Dice, EA) plan to support 4:37 Will it be possible to modify the settings and script of a server in real time, or will we have to restart the server for each modification Interview by Matavatar