The Super Laundress Of Today (1930)
A new industrial iron is demonstrated by a woman in a laundry. The iron glides over the board with a light touch. C, U of the iron being used. The rotary scrubber is used on soiled collar and cuff edges. C, U of a woman using a metal machine to scrub dirt off a collar, soapy water emerges from the machine. Another labour saving device is demonstrated. This one feeds sheets through a large industrial ironing machine. The sheets emerge at the other side and are folded. A cute machine is demonstrated the cuffer. A shirt collar and cuffs are placed on curved pads then a steam iron is lowered onto them. A novel air dryer is used. A dress is hung up then moved around in a jet of (presumably) hot air. A man then takes the dress down and off the hanger. A dryer which uses compressed air is demonstrated. A ball is suspended in a jet of hot air a man looks on. When the machine is turned off, the ball falls down. Was an item in Eve s Film Review issue number 464. Note: flashfram