Do Young Russians Think Their Country Deserves Sanctions
It s been exactly 1 year since heavy sanctions were imposed on Russia. In this video I ask Young Russians if they think they deserve sanctions how these sanctions have affected their lives. Hello and welcome to Afro Russia TV. Please subscribe to my channel and also check out some of my recent videos. , russia, lifeinrussia, blackrussia What Russians Think About Marrying Blacks How Russia Treats Black People Visiting my Russian girlfriend s family for the first time What Russian Girls want in a Man How I broke a Russian girls back Russians Try to pronounce difficult english words What Russians think about God and religion My Fav Russian cities so far Saint Petersburg Samara Sochi Moscow Kaliningrad Russian cities I d like to visit in the near future Kazan Murmansk Irkutsk Will add more to the list later. Please subscribe and share this channel if this the kind of content you enjoy watching Follow on IG