Godot 3. 2: Lets Build a 2 D Platformer : Part 11 ( Coin BOUNCE Animation + Counting Coins to Win)
Thanks for watching In this Godot Game Engine tutorial I cover: Adding Keyframed Animation to the coin object using an AnimationPlayer Node Animating the coin s bounce movement Triggering the bounce animation to play when the player collides with the coin. Using a (new) signal on the AnimationPlayer node to make the coin disappear. Counting the number of coins collected: using a variable on the player, plus a new function Trigger the game to change scenes when a specified number of coins has been collected. Play the Platformer Game Online Now : DONATE to support my channel via PayPal: LIKE and FOLLOW me on: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW me on TWITTER: Reddit: Visit my Godot 3 Tutorial