50 Father Daughter Moments at the Piano Baby to 7 Years Old (dur: 33 mins)
Please find timecode links below 50 musical moments at the piano with our daughter Emilie from baby to 7yearsold. Many of the pieces below can be heard in full on this channel with sheet music linked in the video description. Please copy, paste the title of the work in the channel search box. 1) First music box 00:00 2) Samuel Barber Adagio for Strings 00:24 3) New World Symphony Dvorak 00:40 4) Bach, Siloti Prelude in B Minor 01:21 5) Ivan Sings Khachaturian 01:35 6) Whats New Pussycat 02:00 7) Michael Nyman Candlefire 02:36 8) Brahms Lullaby 02:57 9) Michael Nyman Diary of Love 03:19 10) Liadov Music Box 03:55 11) Michael Nyman If 04:09 12) Mancini Moon River 04:30 13) Boite a musique (Music Box) P. Sancan 04:49 14) Michael Nyman Sheep and Tides 05:46 15) Shostakovich Lyric Waltz 06:01 16) Ravel Concerto for Left Hand 06:21 17) Blues for piano and saucepan