Tomb Raider: The Myth of El Hawa (ft. Jonell Elliott as Lara Croft)
Written by Murti Schofield, the writer of, TombRaider: the Angel of Darkness, Tomb Raider: The Myth of El Hawa provides the first canon explanation of the events between Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation and The Angel of Darkness. How did Lara survive after being buried beneath the collapsing temple of Horus at the end of Tomb Raider 4 What happened to her while her friends thought she was dead Find out in this animated film, narrated by Jonell Elliott (the voice of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation, Chronicles and The Angel of Darkness). CREDITS: Director: Ash Kaprielov Assistant Director: Tina Ljubenkov Artwork: Jasmine Steiner (Adayka) Music, mastering: Dean Kopri If you like my work donations are very appreciated , TAGS, ,tr25 , laracroft