Mistletoe ( JUSTIN BIEBER) Cover by Kayla Stewart
Many people have I m 15 years old and love singing. To all our YouTube friends and one s 4 U Happy Holidays Have a Safe and Happy New Year Bought a new Camera, recorded Audio, Video and Posted in 1 day That is why Kayla had to learn this song super fast (same day in fact). THX Kayla for being such a great sport Kayla really didn t have any time to memorize the song or demonstrate the proper emotions for this video. We rushed this video because we wanted to test out our new camera. Typically we would spend more time on our vids but we were eager to see the camera s potential. PLZ CHECKOUT OUR OTHER VIDS, you can see a marked difference in video quality emotions. ;D BTW Kayla NEVER uses AutoTune to her voice. 2maestros do not add editing or filters to our only adjustments on reverb. Thanks for your views everyone. Have a great 2012 THIS SONG IS ORIGINALLY PERFORMED BY JUST br, br,