Ask Amy columnist Amy Dickinson with raw advice
Amy Dickinson, the writer behind the popular column Ask Amy, was in Denver this week so we asked her to put her skills to work. We asked her questions submitted by readers to get her offthecuff responses. Watch the video to hear how Dickinson tackles these questions: A mother says her daughter became estranged after she got married 15 years ago. She says the husband has gotten between their relationship by convincing her daughter that her upbringing was emotionally abusive. Every time she tries to reconcile, hes sitting next to her while on the phone or reading through her Facebook and emails. The mother wants to know if her daughter will ever see that he is controlling and if their relationship can be reconciled. A woman is petite and says people always comment on her size, which she finds very rude. Is there something she can say to quickly shut down that topic A woman got divorced after her husband had an affair with her brothers wife. She never told her son why, although her brot