Hog rider 3 ways attack strategy The reborn of hogs Clash of clans
Maybe all of us knew about Hog Rider. After the new update (unlurable heroes, Giant Bomb), we think Supercell killed hogs. But no, we still have chances for them. Here are 2 nice hog rider battles, with 3WAYS attack (Barbarian King, Archer Queen, Hogs in 3 ways). He destroyed max town hall 10 very easy, watch the reborn of hogs now :) How to combo: Combo 1: 38 hogs, 3 witchs, 4 wall breakers, 6 barbs, 3 healings, 1 rage, 1 freeze Combo 1: 36 hogs, 2 giants, 2 witchs, 8 wall breakers, 10 barbs, 4 heal