Terrorism would increased in Europe. The orginal european citizens, would belived in deceptions and becomes terrorists. they would betray their own fire, Blast bombs and cause destruction they would also indulage in murders America Woe to the god that created them, The country has not only began to worship idols, but that country, which relies on sorceries, numerous sorcer risen and are deceving the people in the pretext of doning god through wise counsel and atheists would go behind them. Terrorism would arise in a new way. Just like mushroom, destruction will rise within the blacks there would be terrors, dangers and of which their would be riolts in many places likes the domino white would be attacked, the would arise and torture the blacks, like one crushes the bed unto the president He is wolf in a sheep s him, many destructive abominations would enter the nation. He will open the doors of his nation for terrorism. In