Occult Secrets of Vril, Kundalini, Tantra, Esoteric Transmutation ROBERT SEPEHR
Meaning to weave in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. Samadhi is a state of Consciousness characterized by clarity of perception and the absence of the ego. It is the state of Consciousness sought by all schools of Meditation, a piercing of the veils of one s subconscious mind, into the superconscious. Orgone is the universal Life Force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter. Coined by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Orgone was seen as a massless, omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous ether, and called by the Great mystics and philosophers; Chi, Prana or Vril. Alan Watts was a British philosopher who popularized Eastern esoteric philosophy for a Western audience. Samael Aun Weor was a spiritual teacher and author of