Follow Me though the ocean is raging Christs call to follow in His Divine footsteps( Eng. Subs)
Today the ocean of humanity is definitely raging with violent discord intolerance toward Christianity. We re no longer allowed to speak the God s truth as we could before. And God s Word warns us that this would happen: In the last days perilous times will come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, ungrateful, without love, without selfcontrol, brutal, treacherous, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Have nothing to do with 2Тiм 3:15 On the other hand, however, we Christians should not follow modern culture s example. We re commanded to be imitators of our wonderful Lord Savior Jesus Christ. For we are God s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good Еph 2:10 Let people call us evildoers as we continue to follow Jesus. Follow Me though they oppress you all over, Though you be pressed despised by all people. Draw greater strength as you imitate Me, Follow, just follow thou Me