Laura Loomer Is Running For US Congress In Florida ( DONATE TODAY
DONATE HERE: Laura Loomer is running for Congress in Florida s 11th Congressional District against Donothing Republican, Dan Webster. Webster didnt show up to cast a vote for President Trump during the Second impeachment, and he has been a career politician since 1978 Laura Loomer, 28, is a Jewish Conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Tucson, Arizona, Laura began her journalism career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 20152017. Loomers investigations have uncovered fraud and corruption within the Hillary Clinton campaign, Islamic extremism on college campuses, the Las Vegas Shooting, flaws and loopholes within the U. S. immigration system, and widespread voter fraud throughout the U. S. Loomer has traveled all around the world for her investigations, and she is mostly known for her Guerrilla style journalism and often conducts ambush interviews o