Rhythm Flow 432 Hz Tuning Shamanic Drumming Go Deep into the Silence Within Music Therapy
This song is tuned to A432Hz and uses both ethereal and rhythmic elements to guide you on a meditative journey. Shamanic drumming, which is a fast paced, 47 beats per second rhythm, has the ability to profoundly alter brain states. Ancient shamans knew this, and now a plethora of science backs it up. The two hemispheres of the human brain often operate at different levels and at different rates. The steady beat of shamanic drumming is a powerful tool for brain health because by the very nature of its constant rhythm, it permeates the entire brain, bringing both hemispheres into rhythmic balance. This is profound, because that balance is exceedingly hard to come by in modern day life, and brings with it deep Jennifer Tarnacki For frequent headphone users, I highly recommend checking out Sleep Phones. The world s most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Pajamas for your ears. Use the code METTAVERSE for 10 off purchases 39 or more.