Amanda Knows Best: Detroit Become Human Animatic Markus x Connor
Hopefully I made it clear enough as to what s happening Takes place during a deviant, peaceful runthrough. So in case its confusing in the video: It opens with Connor and Markus in the church, right after Markus decides to trust Connor and Connor plans to break into Cyberlife. Connor sees the detonator North gave Markus, and being a natural detective, grabs it to investigate. On one hand, he s worried Markus is planning A Violence; he turned deviant to stop hurting others, not to blow shit up On the other, this could be a misunderstanding. What if Connor just jeprodized his unearned trust with Markus by stealing from him and getting all doubty. Of course, Markus only had the detonator because he confiscated it from North, he wasn t planning on using it and he isn t mad Connor was worried. He s just disturbed he lost the bomb detonator he kept in his back pocket. No big Anyways Amanda can choke