First Look At God Of War Ragnaröks Svartalfheim Level, Exclusive Gameplay
In this exclusive God Of War Ragnarök gameplay video, we showcase how Sony Santa Monica s level designers made the new dwarven realm, Svartalfheim, larger than life. Lead level designer James Riding and level designer Jon Hickenbottom spoke with me about their experience crafting the points of interest, with the former saying, We wanted to evolve the gameplay in the level spaces more variety and verticality. In Svartalfheim, youve got a lot of places that you go to all within one realm. Its so much content. , , S U B S C R I B E Don t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage Subscribe to the channel: , , FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, , , READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for 1 Year Physical Subscription for , , M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer Stickers, phone cases, mugs, and tshirts: , godofwarragnarok, svartalfheim, ps5gameplay